Friday, June 29, 2012

We're #2!!!

Another email from Jason Soll 

Good morning! I hope you all enjoyed your first week of the Udacity High School Challenge competition! Here are some competition updates:

-There are currently over 340 teams competing with over 1,400 students.

 Team leaders, you rock!

-Here is a list of the top 25 largest teams. Walnut High School is currently the largest with 42 team members!

1Walnut High School
2Team Freehold
3Team Apex Dinosaur Helicopter
8Mighty High School Force
9Lincroft Statement
11The Nerdfighters
12Pittsford Sutherland
13Noe Zevallos
15Stuyvesant High School
16Team Renaissance
19Team Unreal Dragon
21Bringing Back the Flux
22Phillips Exeter Academy
24Team Lotafun

Although we are only 3 members behind the top team, the points from completing courses is what counts the most, and the teams ranked lower than us are probably really close behind. What we should do is step up our game. Our team is counting on you guys. 

Thank you for your participation and help!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

from Jason Soll of

I received an email from him today, and if you are a team member, you should have received one also. But for those who are not signed up yet, here is a copy of the email:

"Dear Fellow Udacians,

Good morning! I hope you're all off to a great start with your classes. I just started Intro to Physics and Intro to Statistics. What courses did you decide to start with for the challenge?

Some people have been asking me about what it means to "complete" a unit and when you'll be able to see your team's score. We probably could have been more clear about these two things. In order to get a point for completing a unit, you must complete the entire unit and get all the questions correct. Homework problem sets also count as their own units since they require a lot of thought and hard work. You can track your progress for a course by clicking the "progress" button at the top of the page.

We're currently working on tools that will let you track your team's progress. I'll keep you posted as we get ready to give your teams these features.

Have a great day!



Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Courses Have Started!

Courses have already started but you can still join our team!
Since they are self-paced courses for the most part, you can still take them without penalty. The lectures and exercises will be available no matter what date you start.
Remember every course UNIT counts for a point, so anything you do will help out the team tremendously!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Simplified "How to Join"

You don't have to be in high school to join the team.

To sign up:
1. Create an account with your full name on
2. Confirm your account through your email.
3. Click this link:

Sign up for as many courses as you want. It will not hurt the team.

Every UNIT in a course gives us a point, so you don't have to finish the whole thing.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Point System

Hey guys, so the FAQs and rules and stuff are pretty vague. But it is each course UNIT that you complete that counts for a point for our team. So even if you can't finish, every point counts!
Courses typically have around 6 units.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Spread the Word!

Link people that are interested to this blog ( and if you want to tell people our special team code (for example through writing), give them this link:, which redirects to 
but is a lot easier to remember.  

And upvote my post on so we can get more people to see our team first and join!